Our beliefs at Highlands are classified by what we refer to as “open-handed” and “close handed” beliefs.
Open handed beliefs are those that we do not require uniformity on. We are not saying that these things do not matter, or that they are significant, only that varying opinions or interpretations on these matters will not divide us as the body.
Close handed beliefs are those things that we believe are critical distinctives of a Christian Church. We believe that these things are objectively revealed in the Bible and the truth of these beliefs is clearly attested to. Close handed beliefs are those that we consider to be necessary components of authentic Christian community. Jesus prayed in John 17 that we would all be one, but He also prayed that this unity would be founded in Truth.
Close Handed Beliefs
- Scripture – We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, that it was written by men divinely inspired of God to communicate flawlessly His message to humanity, and that it has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. The Reformation understanding of Sola Scriptura is a guiding principle for us
- God – We believe in the eternal Triune God; three persons co-existing as one God. This is, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that God is the creator of the universe and all that is in it, that He is the King over His Creation, and desires both loyalty and love from all people. He is without change, just, holy, all knowing, all present, all powerful, the supreme judge over all, yet full of mercy, and compassion.
- Jesus Christ – We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (co-equal, yet submissive to the Father) who was manifested in flesh as a fulfillment of all Old Testament promises for a Messiah. We believe that Jesus, who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and then died a bloody death on the cross according to the pre-ordained plan of God. We believe that His death on the cross was substitutionary, in that He died in the place of all those who would believe in Him through faith. We believe that after 3 days, Jesus was physically raised from the dead and that He ascended to the presence of His Father in Heaven. We believe that He will physically return to this earth in judgment and that He will establish His Kingdom.
- The Holy Spirit – We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person in the God- head who convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment (John 16.8-11) and that he is the supernatural agent in regeneration, baptizing all believers into the body of Christ, indwelling and sealing them unto the day of redemption. He is also continually filling believers with himself as they surrender to this and leading those who seek his direction. He also fill his people for the bold proclamation of the gospel .
- Mankind – We believe that humanity was created in the image and likeness of God, but that through Adam’s sin the race fell, inherited a sinful nature, and became alienated from God and that man is totally depraved, and of himself utterly unable to remedy his lost condition
- Salvation – We believe that salvation is offered to all men but only experienced by those who believe in Christ through faith. We believe that God draws people whom He chooses into relationship with Him through Christ as an act of grace working through faith.
- The Security of the Believer – We believe that God not only saves us by grace, but that He also keeps us by grace and therefore we are eternally secure in the love of God, regardless of our performance. We also believe that those who are in an authentic relationship with God will persevere in faith as proof of their standing in Christ.
- The Church – We believe that the universal church is made up of all those across any denominational, national, or racial lines who have been joined to Christ through faith. A local church is made up of those believers gathered in a particular region and overseen by their pastors/elders. They come together to learn from God’s Word, to commemorate Christ’s work in their lives by celebrating baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and to devote their hearts, minds, and souls to the worship of Him. Outside the corporate gathering, they seek to live as missionaries who are being conformed to the likeness of Christ. The church is at its brightest when they are pursuing Christ together in an intimate community and inviting the un-churched into that same community.
- Priesthood of Believers or the body dynamic – We believe that God has gifted and called all believers into service for the benefit of the entire church (body). We believe that all Christians are intended by God to serve the needs of others, as well as to be served as believers needing the spiritual nourishment that other members of the body provide.
Open handed beliefs
Our Open handed beliefs are too many to list, but for the sake of example I will list a few from two different categories. One category is that of doctrine, where we see latitude in the way people understand certain Biblical doctrines that we do not interpret as necessary for Christian Unity. The second category is the realm of Christian Liberty, which we believe is to be left to the individual conscience of believers. These are matters upon which individuals may be convicted of differently according to the leading of their conscience which is informed by the Holy Spirit.
Doctrinal Category
- Spiritual gifts. Did the more miraculous gifts cease with the last of the apostles, or, are they still in effect today? Issues such as “speaking in tongues” or a private “prayer language” as well as miraculous works of healing are involved in this discussion. We allow latitude on this issue, although requiring Biblical parameters to govern us.
- Second Coming of Christ. Will Jesus come back pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib? Is dispensationalism the correct method of interpreting end-time events or should an Amillenial or Post-millenial position be taken? While we believe that the Bible is the authority on this subject, we admit that there is enough difficulty in interpretation so that it is unprofitable to demand rigorous adherence to one mode of interpretation over another on a subject in which we should not divide over.
Christian Liberty Category
- Drinking Alcohol. We do not believe that we have any Biblical evidence that suggests that we should roundly prohibit or suggest abstinence as the only policy towards the consumption of alcohol.
- We thoroughly condemn drunkenness as sin because the Bible condemns this. ((Deuteronomy 21:20; Ecclesiastes 10:17; Matthew 24:29; Luke 12:45; 021:34; Romans 13:13; 1 Corinthians 5:11, 6:10; Ephesians 5:18; 1 Peter 4:3).
- We do believe that the issues surrounding the consumption of alcohol are complex but rather than prohibit consumption based on complexity, we should instead seek to understand the issues regarding the liberty of a believer and in what cases his/her liberty should be restrained.
- Some individuals may be convicted to abstain while others feel freedom to consume in moderation. Neither should seek to impose the force of their conviction on one another, but to live in harmony for the sake of love.
- There are many other issues related to cultural practices that are not biblically forbidden or prescribed when we consider new-covenant teaching. Smoking, tatoos, piercings, eating habits (clean and unclean foods), political affiliations, etc…. We believe that to be mastered by anything is unprofitable but to view God’s good gifts in moderation is the example we strive for.